This is an in-depth course of thorough renouncing and the breaking of the curses that arise from the making of oaths for each degree of Freemasonry.  These curses also extend down the family line to the third and fourth generations.

[FURTHER UPDATED] Please note that the course has been further postponed until 20th February 2022.  

From Dawn: "We have been trying to press through for our (re)start on Freemasonry but I feel to postpone our start again as we fell to really press into prayer this week for the lords will for everyone and the course commencement.  Feeling so much better but want the strength of the Lord for the course to recommence. I feel this is Gods direction for this week and then we will advise the commencement date. I'm very ready to start but just want to move with the Lord as it's it's most important to see everyone through this season of pioneering."

2022 Dates
Resumed week 1: Re-do of renouncing 1st to 3rd degrees for those who missed the first week from the 2021 sessions
Resumed week 2: We work through the breaking curses from the York rites of Freemasonry
Resumed week 3: Expected start of the women's orders (to be updated as dates are confirmed)

Course dates are 12 pm-6 pm (with breaks)

Hot dogs and refreshments are provided. You are welcome to bring your own lunch.

About this course:

When a man enters the Lodge he swears blood shedding oaths of secrecy that bind a family to mutilation curses for generations.  He enters as an entered apprentice of sorcery and passes through degrees to the office of a Black Magician.  He becomes his own saviour and wears a badge of innocence (he is sinless). Masonry is worship of Death and sex cults, Egyptian gods, animal gods, astrology, alchemy and the worship of a bi-sexual goat god (Baphomet) that defiles and destroys families, governments and nations.

The Freemason wears a sheepskin apron imprinted with symbols of occult bondage worn over the abdomen and curses are seeded down the generations: Extramarital affairs, emotional fatherlessness, divorce, torment, mental disorders, ritual accidents, violence, suicide, genetic diseases, cancers, death and infirmity over the firstborn sons and daughters and profanity of women and children.  God says in Jeremiah 15:19: Remove the precious from the vile and you will be as my mouth.

Repentance and the blood of Jesus frees individuals and their families.  There is no other way.


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