- [Jennifer] Hi, my name's Jennifer. I first came to, Yah, I was invited up to see a guest speaker and I came up and I hadn't really heard preaching like it before. And so I started actually coming here regularly on a Sunday and they were teaching, there was excellent teaching and amazing prayer. And I learnt from them, what they are teaching about, was I had lots of things that happened in my history which showed that I certainly needed help to get clear of them.
And it's here that I found out about the Freemasonry.
I'd had broken marriage and lots of things happen. The main thing actually that happened is often we would be affected on the roads. We would actually be squashed into one lane, and so we had a lot of really traumatic experiences on the roads. And so as I kept coming, I came for a couple of years, and I noticed that I got freedom from that. That was the biggest thing that changed. We actually stopped nearly being killed on the roads all the time.
So I kept coming because there was a big, a long history of no dad around when I was little, things like that. And I started to see change happen for me and other people noticed 'cause then other young ones that I had contact with on the coast used to come with me as well. So we saw changes for them as well.
I then moved away, but I just wanted to share the significance of the breakthrough that I achieved was when I came back at the beginning of this year, 2021, I came back married. So that was a huge sign. I've been single for 18 years. And it was a huge sign to me, and, hopefully, others that of the amount of breakthrough that I got from the cursing that was obviously over the generational lines. And it's, again, just been the most amazing experience.
It was really good to be doing it as a married couple to get free of things that come up only when you're married. And it's been an incredibly enrichment time to learn more about the depth of the curses over our lives and what happens in our bloodlines and that we can get free of them through the power of the Son and his healing work in us, and it's been amazing.
And especially now in this time that we're in where it's really, right before us, we can see clearly the structures of evil that are coming up around us. And so this is the place to be. I really feel that it's the way to get freedom so that we can step into the 'more' that God has for us in our futures together. So bless you all, and thank you for listening.
- [Interviewer] Apart from not being boxed in and getting a death wish on the freeways, what other areas of your life do you see the evidence of the freedom to be and to function being regained?
- [Jennifer] I feel that, spiritually, much more freedom. I think that it was a big thing getting married, 'cause that was really not on my radar at all. So I really feel that that was a surprise for me, that we'd be on a journey, and God would bring someone into my life where I could be married again.
And I felt that that was a real healing because there'd been a long journey with not trusting. And so I felt like the freedom I've had is I've been able to trust myself, trust other people.
Also feeling much more intimate with the Father, much more open spiritually to trust that I hear clearly from him and that he has good things for me, that there is a happy ending, which I, yeah, wasn't that sure about.
So now I'm really believing for more breakthrough, for our children. I've seen breakthrough in my families. I think I've seen things change, relationships be rebuilt, and so I'm believing that more of a, I think it's a continuing journey. So as I continue along this journey that I'm expecting to see bigger breakthrough.